Advocating Ambitious Climate Targets, Investment Security and Integration of Advanced Biofuels in EU Legislation for 2040

The Advanced Biofuels Coalition, representing the advanced biofuels industry, supports ambitious climate targets, investment security to the renewable low-carbon fuels sector, and a separate sub-mandate for advanced biofuels in EU legislation.

The Advanced Biofuels Coalition position on the EU’s 2040 Climate

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The Advanced Biofuels Coalition, representing the advanced biofuels industry, supports ambitious climate targets, investment security to the renewable low-carbon fuels sector, and a separate sub-mandate for advanced biofuels in EU legislation. Advanced biofuels produced from wastes and residues offer significant potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting energy security, and driving sustainable economic growth in the EU. Advanced biofuels are strategic technology and support the self-sufficiency of the EU’s hardest to abate sectors in providing a domestic renewable energy source and reducing dependence on fuels from third countries.

The Coalition welcomes the ambitious climate targets the Commission has proposed for 2040, and highlights the following points:

The Advanced Biofuels Coalition supports ambitious climate targets for 2040. By setting high but achievable climate and energy targets, the EU can provide a clear signal to the market, incentivize innovation and investments in renewable energy, and drive the transition to a low-carbon economy. Producers of advanced biofuels are committed to play their part in support of the defossilisation of the EU’s hardest to abate sectors, such as transport, industry and off-grid energy.

While ambitious targets are needed to secure a swift transition, they need to be accompanied by an effective and comprehensive industrial policy at EU level. We believe that decision-makers needs to bring back competitiveness at the centre of EU’s policies in the upcoming years. A strong industry is fundamental to a robust economy, which is the basis for creating a cohesive society that enables us to deal with current and future challenges and grasp opportunities that arise. Despite the EU’s self-proclaimed leadership on sustainability and environmental aspects, other countries and leading economies seem better equipped to lead the clean technologies race.

Following the recommendations of the European Court of Auditors special report “The EU’s support for sustainable biofuels in transport”, the Coalition highlights that the Commission should provide more policy stability on the EU’s biofuels policy by preparing a long-term strategic approach. This could take the form of a separate and dedicated biofuels strategy for the next decade, outlining the role which renewable and sustainable fuels can play in reaching the targets set for 2040, and beyond.

The advanced biofuels sector is committed to fostering technological progress and innovation. This requires a coherent, simple, and stable regulatory framework governing renewable low-carbon fuels sector, including advanced biofuels, to encourage long-term investments. Investments in innovative technologies tend to be sizable and have a long payback period, which makes the stability and predictability of regulation a key concern for investors.

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