Bio360 Expo 2022 | 26 – 27 January 2022

26-27 January 2022,
Nantes (FR)


The singular purpose of Bio360 Expo is to serve the global effort to preserve our planet by accelerating the biotransition.
The event attracts 450-500 international exhibitors making Bio360 Expo a genuine point of exchange for global bioknowhow covering all aspects of bioenergy and the fast growing biobased sector, including:
–Solid bioenergy: biomass and wood-energy, solid waste recovery, forestry and agricultural co-products for co/tri-generation, district and industrial heating, and renewable green gas.
–Liquid bioenergy: liquid biofuels for the road, maritime and aviation transport sectors
–Gaseous bioenergy: biogas, biomethane, bioNGV, green hydrogen for local consumption or broader distribution
–Biobased materials and products: bioplastics, biochemicals, biomaterials, biopharmaceuticals, biotextiles, biocoatings, bioadditives etc.
–Biochar: biochar has a large evolving range of usages from agriculture and soil management, for livestock, water management, construction, biocomposites …
–Carbon capture and utilization / storage (CCU/S)*: capturing and utilising CO2 for chemicals, fuels, feed, material…

Other News

AdvancEU’s response to the CETO report

The Advanced Biofuels Coalition welcomes the Clean Energy Technology Observatory (CETO) report on Advanced Biofuels in the European Union. The Coalition, representing the advanced biofuels industry, values the insights from the report, considering advanced biofuels’ contribution to decarbonizing transport in the EU.

Rebuttal to Transport & Environment’s report

The Advanced Biofuels Coalition, representing leading companies in the advanced biofuels industry, provides corrections to the claims made in the recent report by Transport & Environment (T&E). T&E’s report disputes the environmental benefits of advanced biofuels and claims that sustainable feedstocks are a scarce resource.