28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE 2020) – 6 – 9 July 2020

The European Biomass Conferences and Exhibition has grown from a small research community biomass conference more than 30 years ago to a well-established international conference, tackling challenges ranging from biomass growth and biomass conversion to bioenergy, biofuels and bioproducts, sustainability and policies, and to provide a forum for industrial implementation of technologies enabling the transition away from fossil fuels economies. For all of these topics on integration of processes, technologies and value chains it has always been necessary to ensure the most efficient use of the limited biomass resource and enable economic viability. The ultimate step of integration is a fully functioning bioeconomy. The 28th EUBCE will expand its portfolio from energy related biomass production and conversion of bio-based feedstock to other sectors of the economy and will now integrate the bioeconomy into its conference programme. In 2020 the conference will include key sessions that will dig deep into the structure, components and role of the emerging bioeconomy in Europe and across the world. There will be plenty of opportunities to present, to listen to and to discuss the fine details of technology developments, options for mitigation of adverse environmental and climate impacts and engage in policy debates. Research results from all stages of development will continue to form the core of the conference. addressing the bioeconomy, the thread that links all facets of the growth and utilization of biomass now and in the future.

City: Marseille
Country: France
Organiser: ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
Website: www.eubce.com
Dates: 6-9 July 2020

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