European Biotechnology News – BIOFUEL INDUSTRY ATTACK EP

The Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels have sharply attacked the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee plans on future utilisation of advanced biofuels.
The LSB industry group said that the proposed target of 2% admixture of sustainable biofuels to conventional fuel is too low and should be increased to at least 2.5% in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD), which were recently adopted by the Committee of the European Parliament. “LSB strongly believe that it is essential for an effective implementation of the proposal, that the feedstock eligible for advanced biofuels production are derived from… read full article

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AdvancEU’s response to the CETO report

The Advanced Biofuels Coalition welcomes the Clean Energy Technology Observatory (CETO) report on Advanced Biofuels in the European Union. The Coalition, representing the advanced biofuels industry, values the insights from the report, considering advanced biofuels’ contribution to decarbonizing transport in the EU.

Rebuttal to Transport & Environment’s report

The Advanced Biofuels Coalition, representing leading companies in the advanced biofuels industry, provides corrections to the claims made in the recent report by Transport & Environment (T&E). T&E’s report disputes the environmental benefits of advanced biofuels and claims that sustainable feedstocks are a scarce resource.