The Advanced Biofuels Coalition is committed to advancing the production and use of sustainable advanced biofuels.
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Advanced biofuels are produced from sustainable sources and can replace fossil fuels in the transition to climate neutrality in Europe
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Progressing the expansion of advanced biofuel production and uptake across hard-to-abate sectors in Europe.
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The Advanced Biofuels Coalition is committed to progressing the expansion of advanced biofuel production and uptake across hard-to-abate sectors in Europe. The coalition represents organisations across the whole advanced biofuels value chain, from companies carrying out commercial production today, the enabling supply chain and those investing in the future production pipeline.

Our goals

Advance the production and use of sustainable advanced biofuels

Engage directly in the policy making process in Europe

Secure a technology neutral approach and level-playing field for advanced biofuels in EU policy

Advanced Biofuels will enable the EU to reach climate neutrality

Made from sustainable and renewable feedstocks, such as wastes and residues

As drop-in replacements across transport, heating and industry, advanced biofuels reduce the need for new infrastructure or retrofit

An already growing sector with proven technologies, policy support can accelerate the scaling up of advanced biofuels

Such as transport, off-grid heating & industrial
applications, where electrification or hydrogen can be challenging

Growing the advanced biofuel value chain in Europe, creates jobs, contributes to GDP and enables the EU to compete with global

Scaling up advanced biofuels production can support the move away from the reliance on imported fossil fuels

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